It was like a jungle in there. Elmer likes his palm trees and things were pretty dense. |
That is our target, dead center. |
Another Bee Rescue for Backwards Beekeepers.
Off to more Bee Adventures as the Rescue Hot Line lights up with calls.
This is home of The Bees In The Dale and novice beekeeping tales along the Backwards and truly Organic Way. The bees are feral bees collected from wild swarms. Bees do it all alone, no help from me, no drugs, no meds, no treatments by humans, just shelter and water.
It was like a jungle in there. Elmer likes his palm trees and things were pretty dense. |
That is our target, dead center. |
"The Bee Vac is loaded. I am ready to go in, Sir. |
The target loaded with bees. They were so thick and not moving in the morning chill that I looked closely so be sure they were alive |
Steve Rosales doing the hard work sucking up the bees. |
The comb starts to show up as the bees are sucked into the hive box. |
Steve starting to remove the comb. |
Carefully collecting as many bees as possible before putting the comb into frames. |
I did not save any drone cells, I cut off most of the honey. There was not a lot of it. I will use and empty hive body as a feeding shim and give back to the bees tomorrow. |
The empty container with only some honey left inside. The house owner will move it close to another hive that remains so those bees can clean up the honey. |
These are Blodgett Canyon Baked Beans and there is a story attached to them. This recipe is from Lonnie Gillette who posted the recipe and story on |
Bees and comb. |
Bees on top of bees, |