Monday, August 1, 2011

What's Buggin' Me

This is my 1960 Kenskill trailer that I take to dog shows, vintage trailer rallies and sometimes just fun trips.  It lives in my back yard when it is not on the road. 
I have a satellite antenna I use when traveling but when the trailer is parked at home I just hook up to this one on the house.  When I switched to HD and the giant screen they installed a new antenna and left this one.  It is very handy.  I was in the trailer working on a window today and decided to turn on the TV.  It showed no connection which was odd.  I double checked all the connections and still no luck.  Then I started swapping out pieces of the cable, eventually getting almost a direct line between the receiver and the dish. The was still no connection.
This is what I see when I check the signal strength.  If it is good there will be numbers in all of the lines.  When there is a weak connection there will be zeros in every other row. I kept getting random numbers in no definite pattern, it was very confusing.   Just to be sure I again swapped cables and connections.    Using satellite finder I knew the dish was aimed right but then that started giving odd results.  What the??
I looked up at the antenna on the house and noticed the plastic piece on the end of the signal receiver was cracked and broken.  That did not seem to be the problem but with no other options showing up I decided to change that with the one off my travel antenna.  That finally solved the problem but not for any reason that had occurred to me.

Someone had moved into the antenna receiver.  Yes, that is wasp on her nest.  She never moved when I took this piece down.  That is a good thing, I have memories of grabbing a nest of wasps by accident when I was very small.   My hand still hurts when I think of that. Some things you never forget and never do again.  I noticed all the wasp cells were empty.  Had the TV signal radiated her enough to make her sterile?   I hope I have not started s super race of wasps in The Dale.

Enough of the pests of the world and back to the good bugs in the next post.


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