Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Elmer's Bees - Part One

There was a message off the Bee Rescue Hot Line about bees in a pot in Palos Verdes.  I should know better but I envisioned a pot next to a swimming pool or something.  For all rescues you need to assume the 6 feet up is really 10 ft, or bees are actually wasps.  Callers are usually afraid of the bees (wasps) and accuracy is not important when they call.  Elmer was correct about bees in a pot but it is in an overgrown back yard behind vineyard stakes and old pallets.  So much for the imagined pool side quick up.  It had been hot so I showed up after 5PM.  There was not enough time to collect these bees on the first visit..

Bees and comb.

Bees on top of bees,
But there were bees, no wasps this time, lots of bees, a container looking to be solidly packed with bees and comb.  This is too big a job for one person.  This pot is 18"-24" across and about 15" deep from the bee mas to the bottom of the pot.  I could have removed the entire container but my truck was full of bee gear and I was not really interested in taking the pot to my house.  The operation is on hold.  Next Monday Steve Rosales and maybe Ceebs will join me in collecting these guys.  This looks like a job for the Mighty Bee Vac.   There is also a smaller hive under a potted Sago Palm sitting on piece of sewer pipe.  That one should fit nicely into a nuc.

Look for Part Two next week.  In the mean time I may be assisting Ceebs do a collection at the LA Zoo as the Buzz keeps on going.. 

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